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Plakat zur Ausstellung mit bunten Farben und Text: Sonderausstellung, LWL-Museum für Naturkunde, ab 21.06.2024, Gene - Vielfalt des Lebens.

The special exhibition “Genes - Diversity of Life” is currently the largest special exhibition on this topic.

Genes - Diversity of Life

Special Exhibition

Unimaginably small and minimalistic and yet so complex and diverse - genes shape everything that lives. The special exhibition “Genes” provides a unique insight into the world of genes on around 850 square meters.

Genetic topics such as mutations or genetic engineering are currently on everyone's lips and also cause a lot of confusion and uncertainty. But what exactly is a gene and what do terms like epigenetics mean? These and many other topics are presented in the exhibition in a way that is generally understandable. The special exhibition explains interactively and inclusively what genes are, how they influence the appearance and behavior of all living things and how genes can be changed by external influences. In addition to the milestones in genetics, points of contact with genes in everyday life and epigenetic influences are discussed.

By combining media technology and architecture, visitors travel into the microcosm of the cell, where our genetic material is stored, and discover the diversity of life.

The special exhibition “Genes - Diversity of Life” is supported by the LWL Cultural Foundation.

Length of Exhibition 21.06.2024 - 11.01.2026

Features of the Exhibition

The exhibition will be accompanied by museum educational concepts for children and young people and provide tour and guide opportunities for adults. Audio guides are available in German, English, Dutch and the exhibition features audio descriptions for visually impaired and blind people. In addition, events such as public lectures will be held.

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